Friday, November 23, 2012

Race Report * THE COLOR RUN Little Rock

WOOO! This was my second COLOR RUN, a 5k race in which you are sprayed with a new color every kilometer. Even though I had to run before and after this race to get in my training miles for the day, this run was a must do.

Everyone lines up at the start in their white shirts, white headbands, white socks, white tutus... etc. There was a couple at the start in white hazmat suits- brilliant! We stood in the corral for about an hour listening to pop music while the color run people launched socks, bags and other color run swag at us.

The event was fun (thats the point!) I ran with Angela and it was never too crowded, even at the color stations. As you can see I was a candy colored mess by the time I finished.

The color party is where everyone hangs out after the run. They play music and tell everyone to throw their color packets in the air every 15 minutes. If you didn't get much color on your run, you will definitely get more in this huge color cloud.

I got a few weird looks running back to my apartment, scared a small child and had pink on my face for the rest of the day, but it was worth it. 

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